Saint Patrick School Assessments

Saint Patrick Catholic school assessments give teachers, parents, and administrators a systematic evaluation to use to determine students’ strengths and weaknesses. The school will administer standardized religion and achievement tests according to the diocesan assessment program. All new students are assessed in the areas of math and reading to establish a baseline of achievement. If a new student in grades 3rd-7th joins Saint Patrick Catholic School during our MAP testing window, the MAP assessment may be used to determine baseline in lieu of other assessments.

New Student Assessment

Kindergarten: A Kindergarten Readiness screener is administered to all kindergarten applicants, prior to their acceptance to Saint Patrick Catholic School. Students participate in developmentally appropriate activities that will assess their early literacy skills, early math skills, fine motor skills, as well as their gross motor skills. The purpose of this assessment is to determine their level of readiness for kindergarten. 

1st-5th: Wonders Diagnostics and IXL Math Diagnostics (Numbers and Operations, Algebra and Algebraic thinking, Fractions, Geometry, Measurement, and Data, Statistics, and Probability)

6th-8th: IXL Language Arts (Reading, Vocabulary, Writing, and Grammar and Mechanics) and IXL Math Diagnostics (Numbers and Operations, Algebra and Algebraic thinking, Fractions, Geometry, Measurement, and Data, Statistics, and Probability)

Current Student Assessments

K-5th: Wonders ongoing monitoring assessments and IXL Math Diagnostics ((Numbers and Operations, Algebra and Algebraic thinking, Fractions, Geometry, Measurement, and Data, Statistics, and Probability)

3rd-7th MAP: Measures of Academics Progress (MAP) 

5th & 8th: Assessment of Catholic Religion Education (ACRE)

7th & 8th: Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test  

8th: High School Placement Test (HSPT)

"Train up a child in the way he should go; even when he is old he will not depart from it."  ~Proverbs 22:6