

This is a complete listing of the many forms and resources available through this site.  However, if you know a specific area in which you need a form or further resources, you may use the links to the left to help you get what you need.  Contact us if you do not find what you are looking for and need further assistance.

Extended Day Program:

Held Monday through Friday. Exceptions for some Early Dismissal days and/or holidays. Check Knightly News for changes.

MORNINGS: 6:50 AM-7:50 AM     $9.00 Flat fee, no drop off after 7:35 AM
AFTERNOONS: 3:30-6PM    $12.00/hr per child  
Staff: Mrs. Kadaras and Miss Lane
Contact #: 540-785-9618

My HotLunchBox Link   (to create an account or log in)
Lunches are delivered to students from the following restaurants on the days listed below. Orders must be placed by noon the day before delivery.

Monday - Panda Express
Tuesday - Chick-Fil-A
Wednesday - Red Robin
Thursday - Jersey Mike's
Friday - Noodles & Co.


Uniform Link
Saint Patrick School Uniform Exchange Facebook Group

Admissions Resources

  • 2024-25 Application for Admission (English) 
  • 2024-25 Application for Admission (Spanish)  
  • FACTS Payment Arrangement Application
  • Commonwealth of Virginia Entrance Health Form
    • Kindergarten Physical Requirement
      State law (Ref. Code of Virginia 22.1-270) requires that your child is immunized and receives a comprehensive physical examination before entering public kindergarten or elementary school.  Forms are available in the school office and on our website.  The Commonwealth of Virginia School Entrance Health Form must be completed no sooner than one year before your child’s entry into school.  We must have this physical form by the first day or school,  August 23, 2023.  Please call the school office, if you have any questions.
    • Seventh Grade TDAP Immunization Requirement
      The Virginia Department of Health requires a booster dose of the Tdap vaccine for all children entering the 7th grade.   The Diocese of Arlington follows all Virginia Department of Health requirements, please contact your child’s health care provider if you have not already done so and make arrangements for this booster.  Once your child has received the immunization, a copy of the immunization documentation must be submitted to the school clinic on or before the first day of school.  You may have your child’s doctor fax the immunization record to the school.  The fax number is (540) 785-2213. Medical or religious exemptions will be accepted with the appropriate documentation. Children who do not turn 12 years old until after school has started, must submit an appointment date for their Tdap booster and provide immunization documentation as soon as it is received.

Resources to Start the New Year

Athletic Forms and Documents

Required School Forms

Medical Authorization Forms

*Please be aware that both the Inhaler Authorization Form and the EpiPen Authorization Form need to accompany an Allergy Action Plan Form.


K-2 Reading List by Genre
Grades 2-8 Reading list by title
K-8 Reading list by Virtue