To ensure the safety of the students, please follow the procedures below.
AM Drop off Process:
The morning drop off will be one line (line 2 below on the PM map). Please pull all the way up to the cone in the front and have your students ready to unload. Students need to walk directly across from the car to the sidewalk and then walk towards the building on the sidewalk. This is especially important for cars in the front and back of the drop off lines as it will keep our kids safe. Please wait until directed to drive off after your student leaves the car, we want to ensure all students are on the sidewalk before allowing cars to move. Do not skip or pass cars, we will go as quickly as possible.
PM Pick up Process:
The afternoon pickup queue is mapped out below. We will fill in rows in numerical order and have cones out for lanes 2 and 3 to drive to so as to ensure as many cars as possible can fit in the pickup line. Please pull all the way up to the cones. Lines will be dismissed in this order: 2, 1, 3, 4, 5. Please pay attention to the staff members directing you out.

Picking up Early?
Please email the Front Office and your child’s teacher if you need to pick up early for an appointment. This ensures we can have your child packed up and ready to go upon your arrival.
Changes to Pick-up?
Any changes to pick-up should be emailed to your child’s teacher and the School Office. If a change involves Extended Day, please also include Mrs. Kardaras.