Saint Patrick's PTO

“Alone we can do so little; together we can do so much.”
– Helen Keller
Welcome to the Saint Patrick School Parent Teacher Organization.
Here we aim to be active, available & approachable whilst inspiring & enhancing the overall experience for our kids and their parents.
The PTO is a volunteer organization dedicated to the successful education Saint Patrick School children. We work hard to create a warm, welcoming, and inclusive community environment. Each event planned keeps the school year enjoyable and exciting for students, teachers, and parents.
The purpose of our organization is to support the school through curricular and extracurricular activities, to communicate with parents, encourage school spirit and of course, raise additional funds to improve the student experience.
The Executive Board for the 2024-25 school year is:
- President: Michelle Sullivan, PTOpresident@ - 1st VP of Volunteers: Erica Wood, Volunteers@ - 2nd VP of Fundraising: Rachel Warnick, Fundraising@ - Treasurer: Elizabeth Barber, PTOTreasurer@ - Secretary: Sarah Yurasko, PTOSecretary@ - Faculty Liaison: Justine Lane,
- Mr. Brian Dunleavy, Principal
- Father Ziegler, Pastor
Further down on this page, you will find the Family Service Hours Policy for Saint Patrick Catholic School. We believe that each family has been blessed with incredible and unique gifts. It is our hope that the PTO will provide you with a variety of fun, exciting and adventurous opportunities to share your gifts and complete your family’s service hours. Please ensure that your family is registered in the Connect1 app so that your service hours can be properly tracked. We will use the information you submit to reach out to you with opportunities for you to share your time and talents as we plan events throughout the year.
Thank you for your continuous support and dedication to this incredible school community. If you have any ideas, concerns, or suggestions for how the PTO can best benefit St. Patrick’s students and their families, please reach out to us at
Family Service Hours
Our school depends on the time provided by our volunteers. The participation of each family is critical to the success, and continued growth of our school community.
All school parents are members of the Parent Teacher Organization (PTO). The PTO’s primary purpose is to enrich the school program. All school families are required to contribute a minimum of 15 hours during the school year on approved PTO Projects. Parents, guardians, or adult family members may contribute to service hours but each must be registered as a guardian and associated to a POINT account to accrue points.
Outstanding service hours will be billed at the $35 hourly rate and will be due the last week of a current school year (annual maximum of $525). Service hours not paid by August 1 will be added to the FACTS account for those paying with FACTS tuition management. Failure to complete PTO hours could adversely affect future financial aid rewards.
VIRTUS Compliance
Please remember that there are many opportunities for volunteering which place the volunteer in direct contact and interaction with the school children. For these options, VIRTUS Training and compliance is required to participate. Once your compliance is updated, that status will reflect in the POINT APP and you will be permitted to register for those opportunities. There are two upcoming opportunities to be VIRTUS trained in the Fredericksburg area in the next several weeks.
- This link provides all parents and volunteers with the school PTO constitution by-laws.
Please refer to the PTO Volunteering Program Guide for more information.
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