Joining Saint Patrick School means joining our family. It is vital that our kids feel welcome from day one. We start out by assigning a Prayer Partner to each new kindergartner, joining our oldest students with our youngest. Prayer Partners take each little learner by the hand to Mass and any other school wide event; helping them navigate daily life with caring and gentle encouragement. Becoming a Prayer Partner is an honor and a responsibility our seniors take seriously and look forward to.
We aim to develop the individual student through experiences that strengthen the mind, body and soul. We offer a balance of activities that promote spiritual and moral formation, academic growth, physical development, leadership… and fun!
Each year middle school students apply and can be inducted into the National Junior Honor Society. In addition, we have elected positions in Student Government. Both organizations help to plan the various student activities throughout the year, and give students an opportunity to build leadership skills. Newspaper Club, Choir, Band, and Battle of the Books are among many opportunities available.
Finally, we must mention the activities that are designed for pure fun and building a sense of community! Throughout the year we have special dress days, field trips, class parties, 5K Mud Run and 1 Mile Fun Run, annual Talent Show, year-end Christmas Program, Field Day, Muffins with Mom, Donuts with Dad, Father Daughter Dance, Spirit Nights, Spaghetti Dinner, Pancake Breakfasts, charitable collections and much more. We also celebrate Catholic Schools Week, offering special activities and participation in diocesan events.